I am loving bright blue handbags right now. I think the pop of blue is unexpected yet classy. I love this Yves St. Laurent bag but it is way too expensive ($1,450). This Marc by Marc Jacobs is way more affordable, it's even on sale at Nordstrom's ($285.90 originally $428).

I was so happy to hear a few months ago that Asos, a British company I fell in love with in London, will now be shipping to the U.S. I was even happier to hear that they offer free shipping both ways!! Asos is similar to Top Shop in that they offer unique clothing items that are affordable. I am really into silk blouse tops right now and fell in love with this black dress, it has a really cute pattern and has a zipper detail on the back ($60.34). I also loved this red top ($86.20). The ruffle dress in a dusty pink color is also really pretty. ($60.34). Asos is definitely a great site to check out if you want a unique dress and don't want to pay a fortune. Cute accessories too!

A few weeks ago I was up in San Francisco and was shopping at Anthro and found this awesome blazer on sale. Unfortunately, they did not have my size. While talking with a friend of mine who does the visuals for the Pasadena store, she informed me that they had just received a bunch of the blazers. Luckily enough they had my size and it was reduced even further ($59.96, normally $158). I also could not resist these sweet tea towels which I plan on giving to my cousin for her upcoming wedding. The towels come in a set of three "They fell in love" "They got married" and "They lived happily ever after". They remind me of towels that our Grandma used to have and I know she will love them as much as I do! ($42 for three). A perfect bridal shower gift.

I have been a long time fan of Marshalls. Although at times it is trying as you peruse through the overstuffed racks, one glorious find makes it all worth it. A few weeks ago I took a trip to the Marshalls in Pasadena and had the find of the century....the pink and glittery Kate Spade Charm heels that I had been lusting over at Nordstrom a few weeks prior. Although they were still expensive, I could not pass them up as they are still full price at Nordstroms right now ($325). I decided to wear them for New Years and I'm sure I will get tons more use out of them....I'm in love!
I have forever wanted to start my own blog but have been putting it off for far too long now. I decided that with the start of the new year I would brave the blogging world and finally start mine! I wish you all a happy, healthy new year and courage to try something new! I hope you enjoy what inspires me. xoxo